Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sander is 5 Month Old!

Our little blondie at 5 months.
So, this is one happy baby! Sander rarely cries, which makes me feel really good. After such a rough start due to tummy troubles it is so fabulous to see our little guy glowing more often than not. Sometimes he tires of being in the car (still, but who doesn't) and sometimes he chomps down really hard on his little pointer finger (which is always in his mouth), or sometimes he is just plain tired (or overtired because he wouldn't go to sleep when mama tried to nurse him but rather he wanted to see what else was going on!)...most of the time he is smiling, laughing or exploring an object with his hands and mouth. Sander has become much more vocal. He makes a sound almost like "mama" but more like "baba" while opening his mouth repeatedly like a fish, very wide and then closed again, and quick. It is super cute. One thing that continues to surprise me about Sander is he would rather sleep on his own in bed than with me wearing him - unless we are out for a walk. This is very different than what I am used to. Most days he gets put down for one nap in bed and at night I am able to just put him in bed until we crawl in next to him later on.

Mama tried to take a photo of Sander while wearing him and using a huge heavy SLR camera. 
Sleeping peacefully.
The finger is a favorite these days.
The above is a very mild-mannered chomping session. Sander is so orally-oriented it is hilarious. If anyone's skin comes near him, especially a finger, he grabs at it and sticks it in his mouth. He sucks on arms, shoulders and cheeks. This has been going on for the last month. Luckily he is just as enamored with toys. He especially likes frozen breast-milk or ice inside a mesh bag to chomp on.

Some more of that sister love.
Sander has been sitting up really well against pillows! He only rolls over if he is trying to get at something, like his foot which he seems to enjoy chewing on. His arms and legs are always flapping around so much with excitement, it is amazing.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Visit from Grandma and Grandpa Neal

Grandma (NoNo) and Grandpa (Pop-Pop) Neal came to visit us this past weekend. It was a beautifully sunny and warm autumn weekend. We spent time in the Mad River Valley together on Saturday. On Sunday we just relaxed at home in more sunshine!

Lucy wouldn't look at the camera for us!

I love how tiny Sander looks in this photo. Such a peanut!
This is an example of how Sander rarely stays on his activity mat. Usually I find him rolling toward legs of chairs or other pieces of furniture or face down on the floor drooling and smiling. He is such a funny little guy and ends up scratching at new textures and such when he finishes rolling,  wherever he ends up. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall Family Fun

Our morning view during breakfast.
It has been a beautiful fall and we have been very busy doing things together.
Day after day has brought sunshine, warmth and stunning colors. All we want to do is be outside!

My view of Sander while wearing him in the ergo (on our property).
To celebrate my 36th birthday I decided I wanted all of us to go apple picking together at Shelburne Orchards. It was so much fun. We picked 50lbs of apples in no time! Lucy loved picking apples and almost couldn't stop. Our bags were full.

Orchard eating.

My loves.
Lucy pleased with the day.
Late night applesauce making together. Smiling and having fun with mama.
The next day we went to the property to keep Matt company and do a little bit of work.

My first time wearing Sander on my back. Work had to be done on the property.
I moved and hauled 8 carts of wood chips and little people too. It was a fun day.
Sander relaxing on the property during lunch.
It is pumpkin patch season and being the nerd that I am, we just had to go to a pumpkin patch with our little ones. It was a small, quiet and simple farm with an antique tractor hayride.

Lucy loved the hayride. She chose this pumpkin out of the patch.
Matt and Lucy in pumpkin land.
Sander enjoyed the hayride too.